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BA Athletics Club News Digest 3rd June 2019

Events: Something for everyone this week!

  • Tuesday 4th June - NOW Richmond (see below)
  • Wednesday 5th June CIE Monopoly at the Bedfont Club from 18:00 with Social with food! (see below) #
  • Thursday 6th June - June Dream Mile on the Bath Road for 12:45
  • Monday 10th June - Veterans Track&Field at Hillingdon Stadium - let Steve Hillier know your interest #

We meet at 18:00 at the Bedfont Club on most Wednesdays throughout the year including this Wednesday.

New members and potential members of all fitness levels and abilities are welcome at all of these events. The full diary of club featured events is on the club website at: Diary.shtml. Last updated: 4th April.

* Club Event Map: [Clickable link to Google Maps] (parkrun details updated 26th May) / # Club Points event.

Facebook: (formal "front window" club page), BA Runner Facebook Group (informal "back office" - ask to join).

Inclusions, with photos, please to Roderick Hoffman at

NOW Richmond - Tuesday lunchtime 4th June reminder

The next NOW event is tomorrow, TUESDAY 4th June at Richmond Park. All are welcome to a short run, lunch at Pembroke Lodge and a visit to Ham House. Meet in the car park by Pembroke Lodge entrance at 12:00 noon. Postcode is TW10 5HX. Looking forward to seeing you there.

Regards Barry Walters

Monopoly Event Wednesday 5th June from 18:00 + social with food # reminder

This "Club In House Event", based at the Bedfont & Feltham FC ground in Hatton Road, is open to everyone.  It's a tortoise and hare team event.  It will involve up to 40 minutes of running or strolling, shuttling between the club and friendly marshals to acquire properties from Old Kent Road to Mayfair, then collecting railway stations, houses and hotels.

To ensure a fun competition teams will be brought together on the day.

Steve and Linda Hillier

Rosenheim 2019 Meeting 2 at Epsom on 29th May #

Julie Barclay in actionA team of 5 men and 3 ladies competed for BAAC at the second of this season’s Rosenheim meetings.

  • Danny Treherne in the 100m ,200m (non scoring), Triple jump and relay,
  • Michael Ball  100m(ns), 200m,400m and relay,
  • Paul Watt 150m and relay,
  • Neil Frediani 800m and bag carrier!!,
  • Steve Hillier Hammer, shot-put and relay

...gave the men 3rd place on the night and took us into 3rd or 4th place in the league after 2 matches.

  • Julie Barclay 100m and 1500m (pictured),
  • Clara Tan 100m and 200m,
  • Kay Trinder 1500m

...gave the ladies 4th place on the night and 5th place in the league after 2 matches.

Attached are provisional results but there are some spelling errors and incorrect ages recorded. Results should be on Power of 10 later in the week.

It is with great sadness that I have to report the death of Jack Rutherford of Walton AC. He has been an athlete, coach, committee member, chairman and official for WAC over 30 years and was a regular at the Rosenheim meetings. Our thoughts are with his partner Debbie and the rest of his friends at Walton.

Neil Frediani

Vitality 10k Results and thanks #

Dear All,

Hope you had a good time at the Vitality 10K and enjoying a well earned rest from Monday's marshalling. Once again, thank you so much for volunteering your time. Special mention to Alastair and Madeleine who were there before the coach group arrived and helped collected the kits and started the distribution. Also to Roderick and Christine for volunteering to stay back at the Strand to accommodate the Organisers' request.

Clara Halket

Points have been added to the Round-the-Block table for all helpers. An update will be provided next week incorporating all of May's many points scoring efforts.  The club also had some runners in the event, including:

Position Name Runner Number Entry Running Club Posn in Gender Age Group Posn in A.G. 5k Split Finish Time
1274 Mike Dennison (GBR) 2263 1123 60-64 7 00:20:26 00:40:52
1574 Maria Jovani (GBR) 2383 Runnymede Runners 202 40-44 21 00:21:03 00:42:00
10506 Gemma Meenaghan (GBR) 12172 British Airways AC 3487 40-44 429 00:29:49 00:59:10
10970 Jasvir Modaher (GBR) 11444 British Airways AC 7230 60-64 221 00:29:41 00:59:51
14158 Vikki Foster (GBR) 27303 British Airways AC 5807 18-39 3351 00:33:10 01:05:46
19077 John Coffey (GBR) 15233 British Airways AC 9602 70+ 86 00:32:20 01:29:40

Standard Chartered Great City Race 16th July 2019 #

Following hot on the heels of both the VM London Marathon and the Vitality London 10000 comes the STANDARD CHARTERED GREAT CITY RACE (5km) (, on TUESDAY 16th JULY. We’ll again be running two Disley Shuttles at 3.5 km and 4.5 km as well as continuing to support around the Bank of England (2.5 km).

I need 25 helpers across the 3 points. It’s a great evening and being only a 5km is all done and dusted by 20:15!

Race start is 19:15 with road closures going in at 18:30. We’ll meet outside MOORGATE tube at 18:15. They'll be a T-shirt for everyone and some post-race refreshments in the Honourable Artillery Company building ( The Club also gets a good donation to help keep membership costs down as well.

Registration will be through ‘Rosterfy’ so for now can you just email me if you’re able to help.

Thanks in advance for your continued support,

Simon Turton {}

Club parkrun results for Saturday 1st June 2019

Member 1st June 2019 parkrun  ↓ Pos  ↓ Time  ↓ Age Grade  ↓ PB?  ↓ Comment
TRUE Sarah GORDON Alvaston 211 00:33:21 59.02% New BA park, park #108
TRUE Maarten Stenham Bedfont Lakes 81 00:27:20 50.30%
TRUE Neil FREDIANI Bedfont Lakes 77 00:27:13 59.95% plus carpark marshalling
TRUE Steve NEWELL Bethlem Royal Hospital 172 00:39:29 47.99% New BA park, Lon-done (once more)
TRUE Joe NOLAN Black Park 367 00:29:17 56.74% Fastest parkrun for a year!
TRUE Paul PRESCOTT Bournemouth 31 00:20:56 61.70% club record
TRUE Monica ALONSO Brooklands 183 00:31:12 54.38% PB   48 second improvement
TRUE Kay Trinder Brooklands 9 00:20:18 85.80% PB   club record  (all genders)
TRUE Ian CUNNINGHAM Bushy Park 711 00:27:33 56.26%
TRUE David Duggan California Country 105 00:29:59 53.03% park #64
TRUE Maria Jovani California Country 13 00:21:12 73.66% club record (all genders), park #37
TRUE Adam Moquet Clair 1 00:18:20 70.91% M-1, missed pb by 3 secs
TRUE James Shoulder Crane Park 4 00:19:36 65.82% PB   M-4, PB by 16s.
TRUE Barry WALTERS Dunstable Downs 20 00:23:24 70.37% New BA park
TRUE Roderick HOFFMAN Eglinton 122 00:33:33 46.99% New BA park
TRUE Piers KEENLEYSIDE Glen River 32 00:29:21 55.59% New BA park / Cork marathon warm-up
TRUE Caroline Cockram Hanworth 41 00:25:15 66.40%
TRUE Ian Cockram Hanworth 34 00:23:56 62.12%
#N/A Paul SINTON-HEWITT Hanworth 14 00:21:59 71.72%
TRUE Mike Dennison Hanworth 3 00:19:56 81.19% M-3
FALSE Joan FOXLEY Harrow 253 00:39:06 56.95%
TRUE Denis Foxley Harrow 162 00:29:47 59.21% 277 runners - record for Harrow
TRUE John COFFEY Hazelwood 71 00:27:52 70.57%
TRUE Benita Scaife Maidenhead 251 00:33:05 61.26%
TRUE John Scaife Maidenhead 252 00:33:05 50.68%
TRUE Alan ANDERSON Osterley 313 00:40:55 57.43%
TRUE Trish MCCABE Osterley 149 00:28:17 54.80%
TRUE Paul WATT Osterley 57 00:23:46 64.10%
TRUE Julie BARCLAY Osterley 32 00:21:53 81.65% PB   Another 35 second improvement.
TRUE Murray HOGGE Reading 88 00:24:03 65.56%
TRUE Frankie HOGGE Reading 87 00:24:03 61.54%
TRUE Christopher T KELLY Reading 65 00:23:08 65.35%
TRUE Jain Reid Richmond Park 337 00:30:25 57.26%
TRUE Eddie GILES Salisbury 186 00:25:26 69.33% running well
TRUE Petra OTTO Snowden Field 78 00:33:52 61.71% PB   1:38 improvement
1st June 2019 parkrun Volunteer role
Neil Frediani Bedfont Lakes Car Park Marshal
Alistair & Maggie Heslop Guildford unknown
Mike Dennison Hanworth First Timers Briefing (including to Paul Sinton-Hewett)

The day finally arrived when we reached 500 different parkruns as a club and indeed crashed through the barrier onto 502.  The new ones on the list are (in alphabetic order):  Alvaston Park, Derby (Sarah Gordon 33:21); Bethlem Royal Hospital, Croydon/Bromley (Steve Newell 29:29); Dunstable Downs (Barry Walters 23:24), Eglinton, Ayrshire (Roderick Hoffman 33:33) and Glen River, Cork (Piers Keenleyside 29:21).  Steve Newell regained his Lon-Done status and is currently one of only 13 men and women to have all the parkruns inside the London boroughs.

Kay Trinder (20:18) had an impressive run at Brooklands lowering the female club record and achieving an age grade score over 85%. Adam Moquet (18:20) was first finisher at Clair in Sussex but missed a PB by three seconds.  Maria Jovani (21:12) set a new all genders record at California Country Park in Wokingham.  Paul Prescott (20:56) beat the previous club record at Bournemouth.

Julie Barclay (21:53) dipped under 22 minutes for the first time at Osterley.

Steve's parkrun stats - club parkrun stats - UPDATED

NEW club parkrun database - {read access to new club parkrun database} - UP TO DATE - Download and explore.

Steve Newell / Roderick Hoffman

Hanworth parkrun Club Take-over 6th July - Volunteers needed #

Yes, as a first for the club, we are taking over Hanworth parkrun on the 6th July providing all of the key volunteer roles. But the success of this will depend on you!  I've provisionally penciled in the colleagues I know to be available to perform some key roles but several more are needed - please either reply to me here or to the Facebook event at . Please make this a priority for that Saturday morning.

Roderick Hoffman {}

Club Volunteer Efforts

At the end of April I took a snapshot of the parkrun records of all the regular parkrunners amongst us - both members but also some friends and family members. I built the club parkrun results database from those snapshots, and this is now maintained each week to keep it current. I also captured people's volunteer record. The parkrun website doesn't include a weekly volunteer report so I can only maintain it by taking another snapshot and comparing the two, and I'll put off doing that for now.

2019 BA parkrun volunteeringHowever I've now produced some reports from the volunteer data I captured.  This covers each individual's entire parkrun history up to the end of April, not just when they were club members.

69 listed had at least one volunteer credit, exactly 60% of the total listed. The word "volunteer" means what it says - I'm assuming that the 40% have good reasons for not having visible volunteer credits. Of the 69 with credits 36 of us have 25 or more credits - which might be enough to justify the free purple volunteer shirt (you need credits from 25 different event occurrences, two or more for the same event occurrence only counts as one).

I have no records of anyone with zero runs. The person with the highest ratio of volunteer efforts to runs is Tom Rowley, with a ratio of 68 to 1. Next is Alastair Heslop with a ratio of 26.25. Maureen McCabe comes next with 11.17, then Clara Halket with 2 (6 volunteers, 3 runs). Ayee Tavares is the only one of us with a ratio of exactly 1 (from two of each).

With the most credits it is David Duggan who leads the way with 354 from Ian Cockram with 305 and Maria Jovani with 244.
But the top two reverse for the most versatile amongst us with Ian Cockram having taken on 25 different roles (can anyone, including Ian, name all 25?) from David Duggan's 22 and then Maria Jovani and Caroline Cockram tied on 18.  There is one role that only one of us has ever taken on - and that is the role of "VI Guide", taken on by Colin Haylock.

In total there are 27 roles that we have taken on between us (so Ian has missed out on two roles - "VI Guide" and, surprisingly, "Finish Token Support" - a role that 25 club members could explain to Ian). The roles that the most of us have undertaken at least once is, not surprisingly, "Marshal" which 58 of the 69 have undertaken.  Next most popular is "Barcode Scanning" with 43 and then "Finish Tokens" with 38.  33 of us have demonstrated use of the stopwatch at the "Timekeeper" role and 30 have been "Tail Walker". Lower down the list, but still impressive, 13 of us have been "Run Director" at one or more parkruns.

In total the team have undertaken the "Marshal" role 466 times, "Pre-event Setup" 432 times (186 times by Alan Anderson), "Volunteer Coordinator" 348 times (160 times by David Duggan) then "Barcode Scanning" 327 times and "Run Director" 256 times.
In all we've helped out 3,620 times so I think that we are all entitled to give ourselves and each other a big pat on the back…but don't forget to volunteer again (or even for the first time), perhaps at Hanworth for the 6th July....

Roderick Hoffman

Edinburgh Marathon Festival 26th May 2019 Results

Full Marathon 3256 Davinder Bhambi 4:13:51 Half: 1:55:30
Half Marathon 4801 Anne Bannister 2:02:05 10k: 0:58:05
Half Marathon 5976 Guilaine Sheward 2:08:31 10k: 0:59:34
Half Marathon 7147 Trish McCabe 2:15:09 10k: 1:00:02

Davinder reports that there was a very heavy, 39mph, head wind in the last four miles that cost him about 15 minutes.

Janet Smith (Official)Sussex and Surrey Masters Track and Field competition at Kingsmeadow Kingston on Sunday 2 June

Well done to Janet Smith for field event officiating at the Sussex and Surrey Masters Track and Field competition at Kingsmeadow Kingston on Sunday 2 June.

A wonderfully warm afternoon and competing was:

  •  Julie Barclay who got gold in the 1500 W55 with a time of 5.59.7,
  •  Jacqui Musselwhite a silver in the 800m W50 in a time of 2.53.69 and a bronze in the 400m w50 75.45,
  • Michael Ball M50 who came 4th in the 100m with 15.7 and 5th in the 200m with 33.1.

Our next Vets league is on 10th June at Hillingdon so it would be great to see some new faces and enough for a relay team 4x100m please!

Jacqui Musselwhite

Meanwhile, over in Ireland

Just ran my 158th marathon today. It was the Cork City Marathon. Nice route that took us out of the city and round the harbour - crossed from one side to the other via a 600m road tunnel. Possibly a few too many slopes, mainly over bridges and through said tunnel. Groin strain not too bad today but now troubled by sciatic type pain in my right knee and hip! Just before 20 miles my leg buckled beneath me and I had to walk/hobble for few minutes until I could put all me weight on it again! Finished in a bit over 4:40.

Yesterday I added a new parkrun to the BA count after doing the Glen River parkrun with Kathryn. It is about a 25 minute walk from central Cork - up quite a steep hill after leaving the River Lee. A three lap course - the first being a smaller loop of just over half a mile and the other two made to about 1.25 miles by the addition of an out and back stretch up and back down quite a significant hill. The Glen River Park has good tarmac paths so mud will never be a problem. Thick woods on all sides of the route - pleasant but not overly tended so rather wild. Took it easy as trying to save my legs for the marathon and finished in 29:21.

Piers Keenleyside

Next Digest - Results, news, pictures, feedback, jokes, stories - send them to the editor, Roderick Hoffman, at

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