Use the diary to understand and plan which club events you will be participating in.
KEY:# Club "Round-the-Block" table events. 4 points awarded for hosting the event, 2 points for marshalling (not running) and 1 point for running. CIE Club In-house Event Once a month, usually on a Wednesday evening, we host an event just for us. The format varies so you'll never know quite what to expect. Events at the Cranford Community College are usually followed by a Club Social evening which often includes food for members. ROM Run of the Month A chosen event for all club members to participate at. These are usually external events hosted by other clubs or organisations. See the relevant News item of contact the local organiser for entry and meeting details. CFp Club Featured parkrun. Join other club members at a selected local parkrun for a 5k time-trial. If you have time turn up early for a team photo and join us in the cafe afterwards. NOW Club Non-Office Workers run (lunchtime event). CANX Event has been cancelled or postponed. SOLO Event to be run individually, often in your own time, but communicate your achievement to the club for publication in the weekly digest. v{Event} Event is an organised virtual event. Remote Club meetings such as committee meetings will be organised as remote meetings for the time being - details to be circulated.
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